❤ Symbolism of Om (Aum) and the Gayathri Mantra
The Total Existential Reality
Om or Aum is the most comprehensive universal non -personal, holy sound_symbol (Logos)and signifier(Vacaka)of the supreme Infinite Divine Reality.This Divine Reality is of the nature of Ananta_sat_cit_ananda (absolute Infinite_Existence_
Consciousness_Bliss). It manifests as the Totality of Existence,_from the external_most physical to the internal_most spiritual _ , on four cosmic planes, Macrocosmic (Universal) as Microcosmic(Individual). Viz ._
1...... The Gross or physical;
2......The subtle or psychical
3......The potential or Causal; and
4..The Transcendental or Meta_ phenomenal,
Which is the source of the first three.
The first three planes are represented on the cosmic level. respectively, by;_
1..Our external physical or empirical universe of sense-experience, with it's different types of life. Such as microbes, plants, fish birds.animals.human beings etc . , experienced by us while living in our gross_body, _ designated as 'Bhu or Bhur _ loka
2.The intermediate subtle regions , with the Manes and other subtle invisible beings inhabiting them , which are apprehended by us physically. While living , or through the subtle_body after death _ designated Bhuvah , or Bhuvar _loka;
3.....The several heavens, with the different types of angels and gods residing in them, including the highest heaven called the abode of Truth(Satya _loka) where dwells the supreme Creator_God (Bramha the srsti _ karta)
Of these three planes to be envisioned by us spirituality in different levels of ""Samadhi"" or Trance , while living , or through the spiritual _ body after death _ designated as Svah or Svar _ Loka
These three planes (Tri _ bhuvana) together constitute the entire phenomenal Cosmic Universe, called the Brahmanda. The Supreme Being the Cosmic Soul of the entire Brahmanda and all its beings is designated Parama _Isvara (the supreme Lord and Ruler ) .
Parama _ Isvara ( Paramesvara) rules this Brahmanda. divided into fourteen Cosmic Worlds ( Caturdasa _ bhuvana or Lokas), ' from within (Antar _ yamin ) performing it as it's Over_soul ( paramatma)
Beyond the phenomenal Brahmanda is the Noumenal, Non_ personal , transcendental absolute spiritual reality designated Brahman. ( the infinite) , which is supra _ corporeal, Meta_ physical,and beyond all the worlds and heavens ( Lokatita) . That is the fourth plane(Turiya) , the absolute beyond all time,space and causation.it is pure infinite spiritual experience, with consciousness and bliss as it's very nature.and not any Region or person.All the other three
Planes are relative. They are within time.space and causation.and rest on the Fourth their Source. Like a cinema_show on the screen without affecting it.. it is the absolute Brahman that appears as Paramesvara When associated with the Brahmanda or the entire phenomenal universe of the three planes....
parabhattaraka Kaleeshanandanath..
Sakthi sadhana peeth ashram
Kaimanam ..pappanamcode .po
The Total Existential Reality
Om or Aum is the most comprehensive universal non -personal, holy sound_symbol (Logos)and signifier(Vacaka)of the supreme Infinite Divine Reality.This Divine Reality is of the nature of Ananta_sat_cit_ananda (absolute Infinite_Existence_
Consciousness_Bliss). It manifests as the Totality of Existence,_from the external_most physical to the internal_most spiritual _ , on four cosmic planes, Macrocosmic (Universal) as Microcosmic(Individual). Viz ._
1...... The Gross or physical;
2......The subtle or psychical
3......The potential or Causal; and
4..The Transcendental or Meta_ phenomenal,
Which is the source of the first three.
The first three planes are represented on the cosmic level. respectively, by;_
1..Our external physical or empirical universe of sense-experience, with it's different types of life. Such as microbes, plants, fish birds.animals.human beings etc . , experienced by us while living in our gross_body, _ designated as 'Bhu or Bhur _ loka
2.The intermediate subtle regions , with the Manes and other subtle invisible beings inhabiting them , which are apprehended by us physically. While living , or through the subtle_body after death _ designated Bhuvah , or Bhuvar _loka;
3.....The several heavens, with the different types of angels and gods residing in them, including the highest heaven called the abode of Truth(Satya _loka) where dwells the supreme Creator_God (Bramha the srsti _ karta)
Of these three planes to be envisioned by us spirituality in different levels of ""Samadhi"" or Trance , while living , or through the spiritual _ body after death _ designated as Svah or Svar _ Loka
These three planes (Tri _ bhuvana) together constitute the entire phenomenal Cosmic Universe, called the Brahmanda. The Supreme Being the Cosmic Soul of the entire Brahmanda and all its beings is designated Parama _Isvara (the supreme Lord and Ruler ) .
Parama _ Isvara ( Paramesvara) rules this Brahmanda. divided into fourteen Cosmic Worlds ( Caturdasa _ bhuvana or Lokas), ' from within (Antar _ yamin ) performing it as it's Over_soul ( paramatma)
Beyond the phenomenal Brahmanda is the Noumenal, Non_ personal , transcendental absolute spiritual reality designated Brahman. ( the infinite) , which is supra _ corporeal, Meta_ physical,and beyond all the worlds and heavens ( Lokatita) . That is the fourth plane(Turiya) , the absolute beyond all time,space and causation.it is pure infinite spiritual experience, with consciousness and bliss as it's very nature.and not any Region or person.All the other three
Planes are relative. They are within time.space and causation.and rest on the Fourth their Source. Like a cinema_show on the screen without affecting it.. it is the absolute Brahman that appears as Paramesvara When associated with the Brahmanda or the entire phenomenal universe of the three planes....
parabhattaraka Kaleeshanandanath..
Sakthi sadhana peeth ashram
Kaimanam ..pappanamcode .po
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