Wednesday, September 9, 2015


==Why Hindus say God is in every Atom==
To say that God has “created” the Universe is not entirely scientific. Because for creating something I need matter.
So I exist .. and matter exists separately.
But from where has this matter come into being?
(remember matter/energy can neither be created nor destroyed)
Who has created matter? So there should be another existence. It is not possible for two existences to live together ( cause then the question would be who created God/first existence )
There can be only one existence which is eternal . So the correct statement is that all this is a Manifestation(Form) of the Lord.
It is He who manifests as both Matter and Consciousness(soul). There is no place where God is not. In every atom, in every living being He alone is present.
~ from the teachings of Swami Rama.

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